As a Cabinet de Révision Agréé, in addition to performing legal and contractual audit, Fiduciaire Alpha offers services relating to reviews of historical financial information (carried out in accordance with ISRE 2400 and ISRE 2410 issued by IFAC).
A review engagement is another form of assurance that can meet the needs of some SMEs without putting an undue strain on time and other resource.
Our review procedures consist primarily of inquiry and analysis. As less evidence is obtained for a review engagement than is required for an independent audit, it provides less assurance than an audit but more than a compilation engagement.
A limited review has the advantage that the client and other users of the financial statements will have the comfort of a meaningful level of assurance provided by an objective and independent professional accountant.
Please contact Fiduciaire Alpha if you would like to receive an estimate of fees for a limited review of your financial statements.